Netflix: Staying On Top

Yanaisis Collazo
5 min readNov 2, 2020


In the beginning, Netflix was a movie rental service whose biggest competitor was Blockbuster. However, the company found potential in converting it into an online subscription service. The idea to offer unlimited DVD rentals for a low monthly price to subscribers turned into a global sensation. Today, Netflix is one of the leading streaming services, with roughly 193 million paid memberships in over 190 countries. The streaming platform offers numerous documentaries, TV series, movies in various genres and languages, and original productions for their subscribers (Netflix, n.d.).

It’s no surprise that Netflix is one of the leading online streaming distributions when it has taken entertainment to a whole other level with its interactive, up-to-date, and user-friendly platform (Netflix, 2020).

One way to measure Netflix’s success is by the company’s objective and smart goals.

The Company’s Objective

The company’s vision and mission statement clearly outline its goals and what it wants to achieve overall.

Regarding Netflix’s vision statement, the company has set itself to become the best global entertainment distribution service (Netflix, 2020). The streaming platform aims to be anything but conventional and promises to give its consumers the best experiences with the content they love. Another characteristic of its vision statement is to have a global presence. The best way to accomplish their objective is to incorporate inclusion and diversity in its operations.

As for Netflix’s mission statement, they guarantee to provide unparalleled service to its customers, be a valuable partner to their suppliers, promise profitable growth to their investors, and their employees the appeal of a huge impact (Netflix, 2020). Furthermore, the company also includes three other elements explicitly aimed towards its viewers.

  1. The first is improving the lives of people, the environment, and economies. They hope to have an impact on societies while entertaining them.
  2. The second is exceeding expectations. Netflix hopes to provide the best quality service for its customers, including having a reasonable subscription charge in comparison to its competition.
  3. The last element is delivering excitement and entertainment. One way Netflix manages this is by including internet entertainment apps.

SMART Goals and KPI to Track

According to Serban (2017), a smart goal is to increase profitability for a business. I believe this should be the ideal goal for Netflix, specifically geared toward developing content on its social media platforms to boost sales. The four goals I suggest the company to focus on are:

  1. Social media reach and engagement

Have engaging posts on Instagram in a series of giveaways. The winner will get a free Netflix subscription for a year.

KPI to Track: The KPI to track for this goal is through applause rates and comment conversion rate. A great tool to use is Google Analytics to track the number of comments for a given reporting period.

2. Increase conversion rates on advertisements

Placing advertisements on social media platforms will help bring in old and new viewers back to the streaming platform by showing them the latest news/update on Netflix. The goal is to increase it by 7% by the end of the year.

KPI to Track: How this goal can be measured is with the click-per-click (CPC). The company can identify the total spend for a set of advertisements.

3. Consumer surveys

By conducting a series of consumer surveys across the company’s social media channels, Netflix can identify where it needs development and improve it in six months.

KPI to Track: How to track this goal is through customer satisfaction scores on social media to better understand its consumers’ likes and dislikes.

4. Increase mentions

To increase the company being mentioned on Twitter by 10%.

KPI to Track: Track this goal with the social share of voice (SSoV) and measure every brand’s mention for that period.

How will social media help me achieve my SMART goals?

Social media will help me achieve my SMART goals by increasing profit overtime. With more engagement, advertisements, mentions, and surveys online it will undoubtedly bring Netflix more subscribers in the long run. Social media lets Netflix reach their followers and potential followers quicker than other methods. The company can respond in real-time to comments, questions, and concerns versus subscribers calling customer service.

How will social media help me achieve my KPIs?

The ability to track KPI through social media will help Netflix get answers and collect data faster. Utilizing tools such as customer satisfaction or Google Analytics will present me with insight on the areas I need to focus on more or need to change.

What are the outcomes I want from my social media efforts?

The outcome I want is to improve Netflix’s online presence and increase the number of subscribers by 30% next year. Netflix’s objective is to be the best streaming service, but I also want it to reflect on its social media platforms. Overall, I want Netflix to increase their social media presence and have excellent customer service toward their followers as well.


Netflix. (n.d.). About Netflix — About Us. About Netflix. Retrieved November 1, 2020, from

Netflix. (2020, June 11). Netflix Mission and Vision Statement Analysis. Mission Statement Academy.

Serban, R. (2017, November 22). 5 Top Objectives of Highly Successful Businesses. Hubgets Blog.

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Yanaisis Collazo

Marketing Strategy Grad Student @ UF. Foodie lover, Hot coco enthusiast and advocate reader. Oh, and proud puppy owner.